Cabinetmaker and Manufacturer |
In the spring of 1981 Mr.William Draper quit his job working for a cabinetry business and decided to start his own business. Mr. Draper started his business with few employees and today he has approximately 75 employees. His business started in his basement. Now he has a factory where they build his cabinetry in East Rockhill, near Pennridge High School. At another location in Perkasie DRAPER-DBS Inc. has a furniture division.
Not only is Mr. Draper the owner of the business, but Mr. Draper designs all the furniture. He puts his designs on paper (blue print) and then gives the blue print to his employees who will make the furniture. William Draper is responsible for designing all the furniture and cabinets. He enjoys this creative part of his job.
The kind of schooling and experience you need for this career includes architectural drawing and engineering. It is necessary to study architectural woodworking in detail.
To be the president of the company such as this, you can expect to work 12 to 14 hours every day. Since William Draper is the president of the company, a positive aspect of the job is that he has no one telling him what to do. DRAPERS-DBS Inc. builds custom made furniture, meaning that each piece of furniture or cabinetry is designed for the individual job; custom made furniture cannot be picked out of a catalogue or floor display at the mall.
DRAPER-DBS Inc. | Cabinetmaker and Manufacturer | Furniture Designs | DRAPER-DBS Manufacturing Process |