West Rockhill Township
is known for its many boulders, and rough nature. That is how
the swamps come into play. They are created when it rains, mostly.
After the rains, the water seeps into the ground and gets trapped
above the many underground boulders. Later, the water builds up
forming these swamps.
One of these swamps
is the ''Great Swamp.'' It stretches into both East and West Rockhill
townships. It is shown in the picture above on the left. This
swamp was also formed by rain water getting trapped above the
large underground boulders. The picture shows two men cutting
the long grasses that grow there with a tool called a scythe.
Today machinery is used to trim grasses, but much of the area
is left in its natural state.
Of the many scenes
you can find in the West Rockhill Township the swamps are the
most interesting . With its beautiful colored grasses, and its
nice surroundings, it really can be beautiful (but watch out for
all the bugs).