Pumps drain water away from under the bridge to keep it relatively dry during the construction process. | A series of large flexible hoses divert the water away from the bridge. | |
Care is taken not to erode the downstream banks of the bridge. | Bundles of straw and sheets of plastic help to contain the water. | |
Here is the new dam located upstream of the bridge. Notice how the normal stream bed of the pond has been drained of water to allow this concrete structure to be created. | Here is a drain pipe that will move water under the bridge when the pond level gets too high. | |
Ground is moved by a front end loader to prepare the pond bed and dam areas. The pond was renewed because it was leaking through the dam. | Gabion baskets (empty here) were placed at the dam to reduce erosion. | |
Stone is used at various stages of construction of the bridge for leveling surfaces, drainage control, and reducing erosion. | Here are the gabion baskets filled with stone and placed at the upstream dam. |