Early Farms


Working Farms
Economy Then and Now Early Farms  Mill Use  Blooming Glen  Farm Equipment

 In The Round
 Farm Animals  Other Farms Today

About 50 years ago farmers tried to be as self sufficient as they could. It was unlikely for a farmer to buy his yearly seed at the store; instead, he just produced his own. If there was something that couldn't be made, farmers just went to town and got it. They very seldom went out of town to get supplies. They planted their grain and crops either by hand or by a horse drawn plow.


 The pictures on this page are pictures of an important barn in Hilltown - the Welsh Barn. This barn, known as the Thomas-Musselman log barn, was built in 1727. It is the oldest barn in the Hilltown area and has been restored by the Hilltown Historical Society. This barn was moved from its original site to Township land. This barn is the only remaining log barn of Welsh architectural style in the Greater Philadelphia area. Note the chevron or angular pattern of the rocks that helps to identify this as a Welsh barn.

About 1755, part of the main floor was converted to quarters for two slaves. The barn was converted to a house in 1837.