Other Farms Today


Working Farms
Economy Then and Now Early Farms  Mill Use  Blooming Glen  Farm Equipment

 In The Round
 Farm Animals  Other Farms Today

The Bishop and Beer farms shown below have sold the development rights to their property as a way to maintain farm land in our county (part of the Bucks County Agricultural Preservation Program). Many farms today specialize in what they produce or how the farms are used (see examples below).

 The Bishop farm, located on Hilltown Pike in Hilltown, shown here as an example of what a modern farm looks like in our community.   The Beer dairy farm, located on Creamery Rd., is another modern example of a modern farm.
Tabora Farm and Orchard on Stump Road harvests peaches, apples, flowers, and a variety of vegetables. This farm also has a bake shop on the premises that has become very popular in the community.    Homestead Orchards specializes in apples and pumpkins. This farm has become an educational site for school groups learning about the fall harvest season. The farm also has its own bake shop on site.
 Farmers have become more specialized such as this farmer (nursery) that grows trees next to our middle school.    Vegetable farming has also become specialized with new cultivation techniques.